CDK AWS Cloudwatch Evidently Demo

CDK AWS Cloudwatch Evidently Demo


7 min read


  • Cloudwatch evidently - Safely launch new features and validates web application choices by conducting online experiments and then deciding if your experiment should be terminated depending on the results of the experiment.

  • In this post, we try the feature flag control for the user who performed the login process using Cognito. It leverages the CDK typescript to provide cloudwatch evidently projects, features, launches and experiments, also using AWS Amplify to provide a web app and login method using Amazon cognito authentication and cognito identity pool

Table Of Contents

๐Ÿš€ Overview of Cloudwatch evidently

  • You can use Amazon CloudWatch Evidently to safely validate new features by serving them to a specified percentage of your users while you roll out the feature. You can monitor the performance of the new feature to help you decide when to ramp up traffic to your users. This helps you reduce risk and identify unintended consequences before you fully launch the feature.

  • Evidently structure

    • Project: The logical object in Evidently that can contain features, launches, and experiments. Use projects to group similar features together. We can store evaluation events for long term storage by using cloudwatch log or S3 bucket

    • Feature: represents a feature that you want to launch or that you want to test variations of.

    • Launch: To expose a new feature or change to a specified percentage of your users, create a launch

    • Experiment: Use experiments to test different versions of a feature or website and collect data from real user sessions. This way, you can make choices for your application based on evidence and data

๐Ÿš€ Create cloudwatch evidently project and its features, launches and experiments

  • First, we create a project for the application feature and store evaluation events in S3 bucket. For CDK, at the time of writing this, there's only L1 construct

        const s3 = new Bucket(this, `${prefix}-evidently-demo-data-storage`, {
          bucketName: `${prefix}-evidently-demo-data-storage`,
          blockPublicAccess: BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ALL,
          encryption: BucketEncryption.S3_MANAGED,
          removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
          enforceSSL: true
        const proj = new CfnProject(this, `${prefix}-evidently-demo`, {
          description: 'S3 bucket to store evidently project evaluation events',
          name: `${prefix}-evidently-demo`,
          dataDelivery: {
            s3: {bucketName: s3.bucketName}
          tags: InsideTags('evidently', reg)
  • Create a feature for the project. The feature use Variation type : Boolean with 2 variations Variation1: false and Variation2: true represent for enabling or disabling the feature or in other words display/hide or on/off feature on the application

        const feature = new CfnFeature(this, `${prefix}-evaluation-demo`, {
          description: 'Evaluation-demo feature',
          name: `${prefix}-evaluation-demo`,
          variations: [
            {booleanValue: false, variationName: 'Variation1'},
            {booleanValue: true, variationName: 'Variation2'}
          defaultVariation: 'Variation1',
          evaluationStrategy: 'ALL_RULES',
          tags: InsideTags('evidently', reg)
  • Create launch: split Variation and traffic to 20% and 80%, set start now and add the launch to the feature

        const launch = new CfnLaunch(this, `${prefix}-launch-test`, {
          name: `${prefix}-launch-test`,
          project: proj.attrArn,
          groups: [
              groupName: 'test-launch-1',
              variation: 'Variation1'
              groupName: 'test-launch-2',
              variation: 'Variation2'
          scheduledSplitsConfig: [
              groupWeights: [
                  groupName: 'test-launch-1',
                  splitWeight: 20000,
                  groupName: 'test-launch-2',
                  splitWeight: 80000,
              startTime: new Date().toISOString()
          executionStatus: {status: 'START'},
          tags: InsideTags('evidently', reg)

๐Ÿš€ Building Evidently Metrics

  • Metrics are defined by applying rules to data events. We use putProjectEvents to sends performance events to Evidently. These events can be used to evaluate a launch or an experiment.

  • Evidently collects experiment data and analyzes it by statistical methods, and provides clear recommendations about which variations perform better.

  • To make a demo of this, We create a new feature similar to the above and create an experiment associated with the feature. The experiment includes the following properties

    • metricGoals

      • with desiredChange set to INCREASE means that a variation with a higher number for this metric is performing better.

      • The goal references the custom metric and the metric rule based on the eventPattern which is sent from putProjectEvents.

        • The rule

              "entityIdKey": "entityId",
              "valueKey": "details.loadTime",
              "eventPattern": {
                "entityId": [
                    "exists": true
                "details.loadTime": [
                    "exists": true
        • The event payload sent from the application in the evaluation process

            const _data = {
              entityId: user.username,
              details: {
                loadTime: elapse,
            const _event = {
              data: JSON.stringify(_data),
              timestamp: new Date(),
              type: 'aws.evidently.evaluation'
    • onlineAbConfig defines treatment with specified splitWeight, total treatments must be 100%

    • treatments associates treatments defined above with the feature and according to variant

    • Source code

          const featureExp = new CfnFeature(this, `${prefix}-evaluation-exp`, {
            description: 'Evaluation-demo feature exp',
            name: `${prefix}-evaluation-exp`,
            variations: [
              {booleanValue: false, variationName: 'Variation1'},
              {booleanValue: true, variationName: 'Variation2'}
            defaultVariation: 'Variation1',
            evaluationStrategy: 'ALL_RULES',
            tags: InsideTags('evidently', reg)
          const exp = new CfnExperiment(this, `${prefix}-experiment`, {
            name: `${prefix}-experiment`,
            description: 'Test experiment',
            metricGoals: [{
              desiredChange: 'INCREASE',
              entityIdKey: 'entityId',
              metricName: 'load-time-in-second',
              eventPattern: JSON.stringify(eventPattern),
              valueKey: "details.loadTime"
            onlineAbConfig: {
              controlTreatmentName: `${prefix}-experiment-treatment-1`,
              treatmentWeights: [
                  splitWeight: 20000,
                  treatment: `${prefix}-experiment-treatment-1`
                  splitWeight: 80000,
                  treatment: `${prefix}-experiment-treatment-2`
            treatments: [
                treatmentName: `${prefix}-experiment-treatment-1`,
                variation: 'Variation1'
                treatmentName: `${prefix}-experiment-treatment-2`,
                variation: 'Variation2'
            runningStatus: {
              status: 'START',
              analysisCompleteTime: '2022-09-27T06:47:03.387Z'

๐Ÿš€ Deploy cloudwatch evidently stack

  • The source code is ready, we now deploy the stack to create cloudwatch evidently project, feature and start the launch

      cdk deploy CloudwatchEvidentlyStack --profile mfa --concurrency 2 --require-approval never
  • Check the project created which has 2 features, 1 launch and 1 experiment

  • Feature demo rule orders: launches -> default

  • Feature with experiment

๐Ÿš€ Use Amplify to start webapp for testing evidently

  • AWS Amplify is a complete solution that lets frontend web and mobile developers easily build, ship, and host full-stack applications on AWS, with the flexibility to leverage the breadth of AWS services as use cases evolve. No cloud expertise is needed.

  • By using Amplify, we can build the React application with authentication by using cognito userpool and policy access control to AWS cloudwatch evidently by cognito identity pool

  • In this post, we don't use CDK to provide Amplify components completely but adding Authentication component through Amplify studio (or you can use amplify cli)

  • First, create Amplify console with the following settings

    • Service role which Amplify requires permissions to deploy backend resources with your front end

    • GitHubSourceCodeProvider connects amplify to github repository aws-cloudwatch-evidently-react. Note that, Amplify already supports GitHub App to authorize access to repositories for CI/CD workflows with the least privilege.

    • buildSpec defines backend and frontend build phases

  • Source code: amplify-console.ts

  • Deploy

      cdk deploy AmplifyConsoleReactStack --profile mfa
  • After deploy done, the following steps to setup the backend and deploy the build FE app

    1. We should start the migration to Install and authorize GitHub App

  1. Launch Backend environments studio to add Authentication component

  1. Clone backend staging to prod and associate main branch with prod backend

  1. Trigger build FE with the main branch, after the build we will have the URL to access react app

  • Let's have a look at react app source code to see how we create Evidently client is to send evaluateFeatureRequest to the project and putProjectEvents for custom metric as an experiment

๐Ÿš€ Test evidently feature

  • After creating an account and login successfully we will see the following error

    It's due to the identity pool default Authenticated role which is assumed by cognito userpool does not have permission to work with Cloudwatch evidently, we need to provide AmazonCloudWatchEvidentlyFullAccess and also S3 permission to push data event storage to S3 bucket. To limit the application permission toward cloudwatch evidently, read Actions, resources, and condition keys for Amazon CloudWatch Evidently to create proper policy for the role

  • Successful load with evaluation routed to Variation1 with value false

  • Switch app to experiment feature

๐Ÿš€ Conclusion

  • With CDK, we can provision cloudwatch evidently using infrastructure as code and can update, modify or create a new project, feature, launch, and experiment though cdk pipeline

  • We make a demo using Amplify to react app easily and improve security using cognito userpool and cognito identity pool through the access token and role attached.

  • In a practice where we don't use amplify, we can inherit the flow of the above authentication as best practice.
