AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) is an open-source framework which gives great depth to the concept of Infrastructure as Code
So Why CDK Pipelines? - We need the automation way to deploy our infrastructure as code for development, staging and production stages.
CDK pipeline with AWS Codepipeline brings to the table a feature called self-mutation or self-updation. This means whenever changes are pushed from a CDK project configured with CDK Pipelines, it first checks for any changes made to the pipeline itself. If there are no changes to the pipeline, it goes ahead and deploys the actual infrastructure stack.
In this blog, I reference to cdk pipeline typescript workshop to provide the full flow and source code as a cdk pipeline project.
Table Of Contents
π Pre-requisite
Install typescript, node, and aws0 as well as projen (optional) which is a tool of managing project configuration as code.
π Create repository and pipeline on AWS codecommit
We create infrastructure as code and build a pipeline for it, so we need to create a repository and then define the pipeline. So we create them manually using
cdk deploy
The following source code creates a repository and a pipeline function to create a pipeline base on the input branch.
import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; import { Repository } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-codecommit'; import { CodeBuildStep, CodePipeline, CodePipelineSource } from 'aws-cdk-lib/pipelines'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { DEV_REGION, PROD_REGION } from './constants'; import { WorkshopPipelineStage } from './pipeline-stage'; export class CdkPipelineTest extends Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); const repo = new Repository(this, 'workshop-cdk-pipeline-repo', { description: 'Test CDK pipeline', repositoryName: 'cdk-pipeline-test', }); const genPipeline = function(_scope: Construct, branch: string) { const _pipeline = new CodePipeline(_scope, `workshop-cdk-pipeline-${branch}`, { pipelineName: `workshop-cdk-pipeline-${branch}`, synth: new CodeBuildStep('SynthStep', { input: CodePipelineSource.codeCommit(repo, branch), installCommands: ['npm install -g aws-cdk'], commands: [ 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile', 'npx projen build', 'npx projen synth', ], }), }); return _pipeline } } }
cdk deploy
to create repository
π Add pipeline stages to deploy CDK stacks
We create pipeline for
branch represents for product environment which is deployed in regionap-southeast-1
branch represents for development/test environment which is deployed on the regionap-south-1
.And note that, we use Dev/test environment to host the
and pipeline (it's up to you to decide this).const developPipeline = genPipeline(this, 'HitCounterHandler` evelop'); const masterPipeline = genPipeline(this, 'master');
From the pipeline we add stages which are our application stacks
developPipeline.addStage(new WorkshopPipelineStage(this, 'Deploy', { env: { account: this.account, region: DEV_REGION } })); masterPipeline.addStage(new WorkshopPipelineStage(this, 'DeploySin', { env: { account: this.account, region: PROD_REGION } }));
The application stacks here is the CDK Workshop which includes
API GW (REST API) to handle API request with lambda integration.
The lambda function
counts the API hits and stores them indynamoDB
and then calls theHelloHandler
lambda function to return output which isstring
cdk deploy
again to add the pipelines.
π Push code to test pipelines
We now already have a repository and pipeline, next steps we add
git remote origin
as ourcodecommit
repo and then push code tomaster
branch in order to let the pipeline deploy the CDK application stacks.Add remote origin
β‘ $ git remote add origin ssh://git-codecommit.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/cdk-pipeline-test β‘ $ git add -A β‘ $ git push origin master
Check source code repo and pipeline
Cloudformation check stacks
branch and then push to deploy dev/test environmentβ‘ $ git checkout -b develop origin/master β‘ $ git push origin develop
π Test webapp
Go to API GW stages and get the invoke url
to call API requestβ‘ $ curl https://5fbyi7ak9e.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod Hello, CDK! You've hit / β‘ $ curl https://5fbyi7ak9e.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod/hello Hello, CDK! You've hit /hello
Check DynamoDB for the hit counter
π Cleanup
- To clean up the stacks from this workshop, navigate to the Cloudformation Console, select your stacks, and hit βDeleteβ. This may take some time.
π Conclusion
- Teams now can use CDK to create/update infrastructure through cdk-pipeline without caring about the permission to run
cdk deploy