- A python script to get latet image version of application from ECR.
- In some case, developers want to know the latest image version of application such master branch for deploying to staging and product.
- We can provide to them a tool (slackbot, ChatOps, etc.) to call the script.
What’s In This Document
🚀 Get application code
- Get latest image version of master branch from ECR with prefix
and lastestpushed at
import boto3
import re
def get_latest_master_image():
""" Filter images with prefix master- and return the latest pushed one """
client = boto3.client('ecr', region_name='ap-southeast-1')
response = client.list_images(
latest = None
temp_tag = None
for image in response['imageIds']:
tag = image['imageTag']
if re.search("^master-[0-9]+", tag):
img = client.describe_images(
'imageTag': tag
pushed_at = img['imageDetails'][0]['imagePushedAt']
if latest is None:
latest = pushed_at
if latest < pushed_at:
latest = pushed_at
temp_tag = tag
return temp_tag, latest
version, pushed_at = get_latest_master_image()
print(f'app {version} pushed at {pushed_at}')
🚀 Run test
⚡ $ python getImageVersion.py
app master-12163 pushed at 2020-12-31 10:10:53+07:00
🚀 A practice to use this script
- Using slackbot
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