Use expect
programming language to add you IAM access key by one enter
What’s In This Document
🚀 Write the code
set access_key [lindex $argv 0]
set screte_key [lindex $argv 1]
spawn aws configure
# Add access key
expect "]:"
send "$access_key\r"
# Add secrete key
expect "]:"
send "$screte_key\r"
# Default region
expect "]:"
send "\r"
# Default output format
expect "]:"
send "\r"
🚀 Run example
⚡ $ ./ a1234a b4567b
spawn aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************XXXX]: a1234a
AWS Secret Access Key [****************YYYY]: b4567b
Default region name [ap-northeast-2]:
Default output format [None]:
⚡ $ aws configure list
Name Value Type Location
---- ----- ---- --------
profile <not set> None None
access_key ****************234a shared-credentials-file
secret_key ****************567b shared-credentials-file
region ap-northeast-2 config-file ~/.aws/config